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Test at VietSovPetro Central Processing Rig (CPP2)

Key Statistic

  • Oil in Water Out: 0.6 PPM


In November 2016, a Stauper CFU was tested at CPP2, a processing platform owned and operated by VietSovPetro, offshore Vietnam. The main objective of the test was to verify that the technology is suitable and has a robust enough design to replace the current technology on CPP2.


Inlet into the Stauper CFU was rather low, ranging from 11 to 20 PPM. Even with these small values, and corresponding oil droplets the Stauper CFU cleaned the water down 0.6 PPM showing a 95% efficiency rate.


The test showed a stable, efficient and robust performance at CPP2. Based on the test, Stauper qualified to take part in the bid for the produced water upgrade. The future scenario at CPP2 will be 200 PPM in and an objective of less than 15 PPM out.

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